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Music (16)

3 min read

Tech + Human: How We Match Brands With Music Artists

As Artist Relations Manager at Music Audience Exchange (MAX), my job involves the process of selecting artists for brand/artist partnerships – which...

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3 min read

Information Symmetry: Uber, Airbnb, and the Music Industry

There’s a passage from a March 15 TechCrunch post that recently went viral. You may have seen it –it reads:

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3 min read

Bitcoin Can't Save The Music Industry

This article was originally published on Forbes.

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2 min read

For Artists: 3 Questions to Ask Yourself When a Brand Wants to Work With You

As an artist, you may at some point be approached by a brand that wants to partner with you – and not in the traditional “I’ll give you money to sing...

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3 min read

Music, Music (and Apple) Everywhere

We have written in this column about marketing to Millennials, the role of artist content in savvy brands’ marketing efforts, the new world order of...

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1 min read

Toyota Markets to the Beat of a Different Drum

Brands across the globe are increasingly recognizing the difficulty of capturing consumers’ attention with traditional branded content. Today’s...

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1 min read

Authenticity is Key in Brand-Artist Partnerships

The foundation of any successful brand-artist partnership is authenticity. Without it, messages come across as phony and fall flat, and the critical...

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2 min read

Mountain Dew and SoundCloud’s “Green Label Sound: Open Call”

A recent article in Forbes got me thinking about Mountain Dew’s unique place in marketing history and how it arrived at its latest effort: “Green...

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4 min read

From Selling Out to Breaking Out: The Evolution of Artist/Brand Partnerships

From Advertising Age’s excellent series of articles to Gawker’s view that “ . . . the current young generation is being sold wholesale the idea that...

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