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Music (18)

3 min read

Payola Laws & The Greatest Music You’ve Never Heard

The laws and regulations our politicians and governmental agencies put into place can distort markets and restrict our options as consumers. Lately...

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2 min read

Taylor Swift & The Streaming Debate: Why Everyone’s Got it All Wrong

The recent firestorm of controversy over Taylor Swift’s decision to pull her catalogue from Spotify (the ramifications of this covered nicely by...

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3 min read

No One Knows About Your Music? Let’s Change That!

This article in Music Times that expands upon a study from Next Big Sound stating that 90.7 percent of “music artists are complete unknowns” pisses...

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1 min read

What Exactly IS “the Music Industry?"

This article from The Motley Fool (“Why the Music Industry Desperately Needs Apple”) provides a pretty limited, loose definition of “the industry” -...

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2 min read

Music Business 101 – Understanding Copyright: Neighboring Rights

I’m digging the article from the INgrooves newsletter that was re-blogged by the always great Hypebot (and linked to below). There are some good...

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1 min read

The Two Things You Must Do For People to Care About Your Music

Look, there’s a really simple answer to the question: “Why isn’t my [music, art, app, etc.] more popular/widely known?” There are many wrong answers...

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1 min read

Trackvertising and the Opportunity for Marketers

It used to be that radio stations dominated the airwaves. Because payola laws prevent record labels from paying radio stations directly, promoters...

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1 min read

George Howard on Music Festivals in the NY Times

Our good friend and advisor, George Howard, recently penned an article in the New York Times about the rise in music festivals as an economic...

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3 min read

Brands & Music: It's Not Just for Millennials Anymore

For a pioneering young company, it’s a warm fuzzy when a respected publication (covering what’s now and what’s next in social & business tech) posts...

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